Summer's Heat--a summer sequence with topics
Modern waka sequences
Autumn sequence--Ruddy Colors
Revealing--a winter sequence
The Colors of Summer--A summer sequence

Awakened by dawn,
The Tropicana rose blooms
such brilliant fragrance--
a fascination leads me
into your summer garden.
b'oki--Bette (flower)
In the early light,
at the rose petal's center
a bee hovers--
collecting sweet nectar,
its hum breaks the soft silence.
Paul (falling petals)
Graying clouds;
Summer's rhythm becomes louder
With a downpour--
Large drops chill my wrinkled skin
And bring down petals...petals.
Donna (rain or storm)
At mid-afternoon,
a cicada's abdomen
vibrating with song...
from deep within leaf-trees,
the noise of courtship.
an'ya (insect sound)
White waves of clouds
slowly deepen to amber,
following the sun--
will our thoughts ever be quenched
when gazing the afterglow?
b'oki (heat)
The lake of swans
hardly seen in the moonlight
faintly glowing--
your eyes tell me so much more
than I have ever expected.
Lera (lake)
This midsummer night
the moon breaks into pieces
on the silent lake--
across rippled surfaces,
your boat draws closer.
Paul (boat)
Between its wing beats,
A goldfinch's song ripples
Above the clover;
The scent of curing hay
Hangs in afternoon haze.
Donna (bird sound)
A clover field
fresh under the July sun
so quiet--
laying right down on my back
I span the sky with my arms.
Lera (quiet)
Lightening bugs,
a colony gathered
in the night air...
time elapses silently
between signal flashes.
an'ya (firefly or sudden light)
In the meadow,
The short silences of crickets
Revealing the heat;
I try...try to sleep alone
Waiting to hear another's breath.
Donna (grass or meadow)
Fields of ripe wheat
waving in the sweltering heat
at dawn--
as the western wind rises
a little poppy peeps out.
Lera (ripening fruit)
Such burning heat,
as this summer night flames on...
lighting still wheat stalks--
even the moon seems to rage
where no cooling breeze stirs.
Paul (cooling breeze)
Amid hot rocks
in a long-dry creek bed,
signs of drought...
an empty rattlesnake skin
filled with sunlight.
an'ya (drought)
Chartreuse leaves release
from a parched river birch tree--
eager for autumn;
each leaf that falls on my face
leaves a faint scent in the air.
b'oki (faint scent)