Summer heat--a summer
Autumn sequence--Ruddy Colors
Revealing--a winter sequence
The Colors of Summer--A summer sequence
Spring Waka Sequence

The still pond
reflects only bare branches
as winter passes--
will soft blossoms appear
if only for a moment?
Emerging buds dot
The weeping crabapple
This Palm Sunday--
A stray snowflake takes the place
Of the branch's white bloom.
Mexican primrose
Fill the neighborhood lawns
This spring season--
The fragile petals are pink
That pop up during the night.
A starling's beak
peaks out of overgrown grass--
it's a time to seek
when the sun illuminates
the true colors of new growth.
b'oki (Bette)
By my doorstep,
through the rain-softened earth;
the tips of sprouts
emerge in the clearing mist
glistening with morning dew.
Moonlight filters
Through the frosted window
Before a spring dawn;
Will your finger tips trace
The tree shadows on the sheet?
A fallen starling,
Broken feathered on new grass;
Dark against white daisies,
It shivers in the Spring sunrise.
Under shadows
of lavender clouds,
memories linger--
lilac blossoms fill with rain
in a garden once yours.
Is it the spring breeze
or the nightingale's soft song?
Beneath the full moon--
the purple iris trembles;
ripples spread across the pond.
A heavy spring dew
wetting the cactus blossoms
in this high-desert--
red skies at night make me yearn
for sea level sunrises.
Soft light
Engulfs this beloved old house
In the morning--
My cheerful Spring heart, too,
Is completely consumed.
From these old hands
Lettuce seed blows away
Engulfed by the wind--
A sparrow clings to the edge
Of the swinging birdfeeder.
Amongst maple buds
a yellow goldfinch drops by;
a visit too short--
he glances my way and leaves me
clinging to his beauty.
A cone of sunlight
disappears way down deep
into the woodpile--
the chipmunk and her babies
with this roof over their heads.
Across the roof tiles,
breaking the dawn's silence
the sound of squirrels--
as they scurry to and fro
collecting fallen twigs.
Amid swirling twigs,
The mallard rights himself
In the muddy current--
Only strong eddies appear
Between the river boulders.
After the storm,
the furious brown flow calms--
clear water,
it glistens with refractions
of green moss, pebbles, and sand.
In-between branches
the loftiest ornament
a crescent moon;
suspended throughout this night--
flashes of stars in spring wind.
Withered by winter,
branches gnarled with passing time;
the ancient cherry
issues forth tender blossoms
that glisten in the spring rain.
Old weeping willow
now full enough to touch
a pond reflection--
the new shadow casting,
fills with hungry, young sunfish.