Ruddy Colors--an autumn sequence
Summer heat--a summer
Modern waka sequences
Revealing--a winter sequence
The Colors of Summer--A summer sequence
At the old corral
towering above the fence,
September wildflowers
deepen into ruddy colors,
their seed pods soon to shed.

Gently gathering
the browned marigold blossoms--
fragrance of summer
remains on my fingertips,
as your tears are wiped away.
b'oki (Bette)
On my fingertips,
The sparkling dew turns colorless
This autumn morning;
Should anyone wonder why
I turn towards the changing leaves?
With Autumn's arrival--
From the tips of every tree,
Leaves are falling;
But some that fall in the floods
Will never return again.
Spiraling down,
silhouetted in moonlight;
a maple leaf
comes to rest on the soft earth
as others begin to follow.
Clouds following clouds
Further dim its brightness--
This hazy moon...
Will I let the owl's call
Decide my path in the darkness?
In autumn darkness,
I close my eyes and hear
choirs of crickets--
each singing their own song
together in unison.
Tonight, typhoon winds
blow on harvested rice fields
barely seen,
faded red tiger lilies
lean upon the stacks of sheaves.
All this long night
clear into dawn the screams
of a coyote
coming through bare chaparral
across the gorge in autumn.
At dawn,
vague against the ink-black clouds
silhouettes of crows--
their harsh caws break soft rhythms
of the steady falling rain.
Facing the fall sun,
mallards and white geese huddle
in afternoon rest--
we sit shoulder to shoulder
gazing at the peaceful pond.
Side by side,
the white tails of does move
To and fro, to and fro;
The withered miscanthus plumes
Mingle with chilling rain.
Blurred by falling rain,
they appear to be mountains
outside my window--
black clouds on the horizon
stretch into the autumn night.
On shriveled apples,
black wooly caterpillars
soon to transform--
will the beauty of our youth
be forgotten in old age?
On the dark puddle,
The moon appears, soon disappears--
Passing clouds;
My breath turns toward the sound
Of a breaking branch.
In the night,
Cats are fighting on the porch--
Crying sounds;
There is a quiver in my chest
When I see the bright cloudless moon.
As dawn approaches,
shrouded in sheets of mist,
a lone white crane
known only by her cry
that lingers in the cold air.
The morning unfolds
to a gentle rhythm--
rain slowly drips...
down, down to each cold leaf
tapping on the last pink bud.
The cold settles
in shades of Autumn's passing
the days are growing shorter;
dew whitens the morning grass.
An orange horizon
departs across frosty fields;
winter solstice nears--
the cattle are prepared
with thick new coats of fur.